It's been an insanely busy couple of months. When I returned from my Summer backpacking trip, I had no idea that the following few months would be filled with so much joy and excitement. I'll briefly mention the last couple of shows as they're freshest in my mind and then work back when time allows.
The two main gigs I've been working on recently are as the bassist for Carmen and the Pearls and, of course, guitarist for Eyitemi. Both of these projects are completely unique and varied which is what makes them so much fun. The Pearls music is very 50's inspired which is just such a vibe to play. We played in town (Soho) on Friday 15th November. The set was a blast and we had a dep drummer that night and a new guitarist added to the mix which is something we've not had before so that was lovely. Charlotte on Saxamaphone killed it as per usual, as did Hollie who is as consummate a professional as you are ever likely to meet.
Overall, a helluva build up to the finale which was the London Jazz Festival 2024 with EyiTemi. We performed at the beautiful Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, overlooking the bridge and the river. you couldn't ask for a more gorgeous venue to perform.
It was, in many respects, an album launch show as well as the London Jazz Festival, so it was a double whammy of excitement.
Load in was striaght forward, or as straight forward as any gig load in can be - lots of moving parts all tyring to get everything sorted ASAP so we could get levels checked before getting down to rehearsing with the guest artists - Chef Grizzy the rapper who, as per usual, oozes cool and skill along wiht killer vocals. The other guest was the dancer Rosie Noble-Booth who performed along to one of the songs at the start of set 2. She was incredible and seeing her do her thing in her element was captivating. You could have heard a pin drop in that room as she was performing. All eyes on her skill and talent.
As the night drew to a close, we had the obligatory solo trading and band introductions which is always a wonderful moment as the band can let lose when the spotlight turns on to us.
LJF 2024 completed, now time to edit the stage videos from the evening and get them up online.
The next gig is a month away, so time for a little bit of a break before getting into the madness again. Can't wait!
Until next time.